Protect Your Driving Privileges Fight Your Ticket With Bigger & Harman Today

undefinedSpeeding over 100 mph can lead to serious penalties and long-term consequences in California. 

Drivers ticketed in South Lake Tahoe, El Dorado County, CA, should know the risks associated with a conviction for these major infractions. 

While you might assume hiring legal help isn’t affordable, the costs of fines and insurance hikes often far exceed the expense of representation.

Speeding Over 100 MPH Is a Major Infraction

Under CA Vehicle Code (VC) Section 22348Speed Laws, speeding over 100 mph is classified as a major traffic infraction. 

Some online publications list it as a misdemeanor. This is incorrect despite common misconceptions. 

Officers may also issue additional citations, including reckless driving or speed contests, which are misdemeanors, depending on circumstances. 

The penalties for speeding over 100 mph often mirror misdemeanors in severity but won’t result in a criminal record.

Let’s take a look at the penalties associated with a conviction.

The Consequences of Speeding Over 100 MPH

A mandatory court appearance is required for speeding over 100 mph. Paying online or attending traffic school isn’t an option, except in rare cases.

If convicted for violating the law by speeding over 100 mph, the penalties are severe:

  • A Steep Fine: The fine ranges from $859 to $2,137, increasing for repeat offenses within three or five years of the first conviction.

  • License Suspension: Violators face a 30-day driver’s license suspension, impacting everyday mobility in El Dorado County.

  • Two NOTS Points: These points remain on your record for up to seven years, which could contribute to a possible suspension.

When you don’t hire a traffic attorney to resolve your ticket in South Lake Tahoe Courthouse, you might need to return to attend arraignment and possibly another day for trial, which could mean additional traveling expenses and missing two or more days of work. 

Long-Term Impacts of a Speeding Over 100 MPH Conviction

The impacts extend far beyond the courtroom:

  • Insurance Premium Increases: A conviction can double or triple your car insurance rates for up to seven years.

  • Coverage Denial: Insurers may drop your policy entirely after a serious violation, leaving you to find alternative, often expensive, coverage.

Why You Need a Traffic Attorney for This Mandatory Court Appearance

Hiring a traffic attorney for a mandatory court appearance has significant benefits:

  • They can represent you in court, preventing disruptions to work or school.

  • Attorneys can subpoena calibration records for speed measurement devices and officer training records.

  • They could negotiate lesser charges or advocate for attendance at traffic violator school (TVS), potentially avoiding points and higher insurance premiums.

Slow down— speeding over 100 mph isn’t worth the safety and financial risks. 

However, if you face this charge in South Lake Tahoe, an experienced El Dorado County traffic attorney can help protect your driving record and minimize penalties.

Ask Bigger & Harman About Speeding over 100 MPH in South Lake Tahoe, CA

If you face a speeding over 100 mph ticket in South Lake Tahoe Courthouse in El Dorado County, CA, call Bigger & Harman, APC, at (661) 349-9300— Se habla Español (661) 349-9755.

Use our handy online contact form  or email us at to schedule a consultation.


The article, Average cost of car insurance in CA for 2024.

The CA Driver Handbook English y Español.

CA VC Section 22348Speed Laws.

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