Protect Your Driving Privileges Fight Your Ticket With Bigger & Harman Today

undefinedSpeeding in a CMV on the Grapevine is a serious concern for commercial drivers. 

The Grapevine’s steep grades and abrupt speed limit changes can present significant challenges. Understanding the legal implications is essential to avoid lasting consequences.

At Bigger & Harman, we provide guidance based on knowledge and experience to help drivers effectively address commercial vehicle speeding violations.

Grapevine Speed Limit Fluctuations

Due to the extreme grades on the Tejo Pass on the Grapevine, speed limits can be downgraded rapidly. 

While California mandates a 55 mph maximum for commercial vehicles, the Grapevine often enforces lower limits. 

These can drop to 45, or even 35 mph, demanding constant vigilance by commercial drivers. Missing these changes can lead to speeding in a CMV on the Grapevine citations.

Although there are many alerts and signs declaring the speed limit changes, those signs are normally on the right side of the road, and a solid line of other trucks can sometimes block the signs, so a commercial driver might miss the signs until it is too late.

Penalties for Speeding in a CMV on the Grapevine 

Speeding in a CMV on the Grapevine penalties could be determined by the traffic court judge in either Lamont Traffic Court for those ticketed in Kern County or Valencia/Santa Clarita Traffic Court for those in LA County. 

Fines range from $285 to $500 based on speed over the limit. Also, a conviction results in 1.5 Negligent Operator Treatment System (NOTS) points and Compliance, Safety, & Accountability (CSA) severity points at the DOT FMCSA. 

These penalties can risk a driver’s job and livelihood because those CSA points affect the fleet’s Safety Measurement System percentile, which often determines their fleet insurance rate for up to two years.

Also, all convictions for moving violations become a part of the driver’s Pre-employment Screening Program (PSP) record for three years.

For instance, driving 15 mph over a posted limit can result in up to 10 CSA severity points. Fleet managers may face higher insurance premiums, putting drivers at risk of termination, and a tougher time getting hired by a quality trucking fleet and negotiating better pay and benefits.

Navigating the Legal Complexities

Many drivers avoid hiring traffic attorneys, fearing high costs. However, the cost of a conviction and subsequent termination often far outweighs legal fees. 

Our team at Bigger & Harman offers a free initial consultation to evaluate your case. We aim for dismissal but will guide you through other options if necessary, ensuring you understand every step in the process.

Why You Need a Traffic Attorney for Speeding in a CMV

If cited for speeding in a CMV on the Grapevine, consulting a traffic attorney is crucial to help you make an informed decision about your course of action. 

Our experienced attorneys understand the nuances of Grapevine speed-related cases. We work to reduce the impact of commercial vehicle speeding charges, aiming for dismissal or alternative resolutions to protect your driving record and career.

I got a citation there (on the Grapevine) roughly going the same speed (50 in a 35). The lawyer at the time cost me $500 (might be a little more now). The lawyers I used was Bigger & Harman, APC. They show up for you and do everything. Just tell them your situation and see what they can do for you, everything was done over the cellphone & they were able to get my citation dismissed.”Bacon_12345.

There is no guarantee that we can do the same for you and get you a dismissal; however, we have a reputation for getting positive results in traffic courts across California. 

Give us a call to discuss your options.

Contact Bigger & Harman for a Free Consultation About Speeding in a CMV on the Grapevine

If you have a speeding in a CMV on the Grapevine ticket that you need resolved in Lamont Courthouse or Valencia/Santa Clarita Traffic Court, call us at (661) 349-9300—Se habla Español 349-9755.

Our traffic attorneys possess extensive knowledge of the local legal system and can skillfully guide you through it. 

We work to reduce the consequences of commercial vehicle speeding on your record and strive to safeguard your driving privileges. Our first aim is to get a dismissal. When that’s not possible, we try to negotiate a no-point conviction, where you pay the fine, but there are no NOTS points, so the DOT FMCSA is not notified of your conviction. 

Email us at, or use our handy contact form to set up an appointment for consultation. 

Download our e-book, Protecting Your Commercial Driver License.


CVC Sections 22406Speed Laws.

The DMV Portal CA Commercial Driver Handbook

The DOT FMCSA 49 CFR Part 383.51, Paragraph 6.2.5Disqualification of Drivers.

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