Protect Your Driving Privileges Fight Your Ticket With Bigger & Harman Today

undefinedIn many cases—for many reasons, hiring a speeding ticket attorney can be cheaper and wiser than self-representation. 

Reason #1—Knowledge & Experience

A knowledgeable and experienced traffic attorney can often get a reduced no-point conviction, approval for traffic violator school (TVS) when you were going too fast for a court clerk to authorize, or an outright dismissal. 

Reason #2—Possible Auto Insurance Premium Savings

Hiring a speeding ticket attorney could save you thousands in increased auto insurance premiums. 

Whenever you’re able to keep your already too expensive auto insurance premium steady, you could save around $1,500 or more over the next three years that the conviction would stay on your driving record.

Even if you attend TVS, the record of conviction stays on your driving record. The benefit lies in the DMV keeping it confidential. However, only one ticket during an 18-month period can be masked from the public.

If you don’t complete the course or you get another ticket, your ticket becomes a public record for your insurance provider to see. They will typically raise your premium 10 to 12% and take your “good driver’s discount of 20%.”

Therefore, you premium will rise about 30% over the next three years. That’s nearly one-third more than you are paying now. 

An average California driver will pay $2,559 for full coverage insurance in 2024. A speeding ticket that you could not mask with TVS will mean a raised premium of around $3329 in 2025 before any automatic premium raise approved by the California Department of Insurance

Keep in mind that this is the average rate for all California drivers. Yours could be less or more.

California parents adding a 16-year-old driver to their full coverage auto insurance policy can expect an average premium of $6,239 per year.” —

Imagine paying 30% more on top of that already ridiculous premium. 

Reason #3—Avoid a Traffic Court Appearance

One benefit of hiring a speeding ticket attorney to resolve the ticket is the driver won’t normally be required to attend traffic court. 

Bigger & Harman rarely requires the driver to attend. They won't ask you to attend unless your testimony is necessary to gain a possible dismissal. You can go to work or school like normal.  

NOTE: Although all commercial drivers must alert their employer in writing if there is a traffic violation conviction per The DOT FMCSA 49 CFR Part 383.31 – Notification of Convictions for Driver Violations when there is no conviction or CA NOTS points, the DMV does not notify the FMCSA, and the driver is not required to notify their employer.

Reason #4— Personal Attention for Every Speeding Ticket 

You might think it’s cheaper and more convenient to pay the fine or represent yourself, but in most cases, it’s smarter to let a legal professional handle it.

They can subpoena the ticketing officer’s statement, the speed measurement device calibration records, and the officer’s training records on the device; they likely know how the judge rules in certain circumstances and when to ask for a dismissal.

These can be invaluable to getting a dismissal. 

Hiring a speeding ticket lawyer to resolve your ticket just makes sense. 

When you self-represent, you could paint yourself into a corner when the judge asks one of the questions they normally ask the driver who self-represent, such as, “Were you exceeding the speed limit?” Most will answer with “I was just keeping up with other drivers going 80 or faster,” Yes, but I was late for work,” or “Yes, but I didn’t see the sign, so I didn’t know the speed limit” and other self-incriminatory statements. 

The judge could say, “Guilty, pay the court clerk the fine of $490 on your way out. You were going too fast for TVS.”

Always consult an attorney before deciding to dispute a speeding ticket in court or accepting TVS. 

If you’re convicted, it is normally too late. It is almost impossible to appeal a traffic court case because of the standard of proof changes after you are found guilty. 

Discuss it with a CA traffic attorney who has the knowledge and experience necessary to give you the best possible outcome. 

Consult Bigger & Harman About Hiring a Speeding Ticket Attorney in Tulare County 

If you need a ticket resolved in Porterville or Visalia Courthouse in Tulare County, CA, increase your odds of a favorable outcome by hiring a speeding ticket attorney. 

Call Bigger & Harman, APC, at (661) 349-9300— Se habla Español 349-9755.

Or, use our convenient contact form or email us at


The article, Average cost of car insurance in CA for 2024.

CA VC Section 22350,  Speed Laws.

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