A red light camera is part of a complex traffic enforcement system in Bakersfield, Kern County, CA. Drivers should be aware of the implications before paying fines or accepting penalties.
Understanding Red Light Camera Laws in California
Can red light cameras be hidden in Bakersfield, CA? The answer is no.
California law requires counties that use red light cameras to place warning signs for drivers. These signs must alert drivers about red light cameras in each direction at intersections.
However, the signs don’t have to be placed directly at the intersection. Heavy traffic can obstruct visibility, making it easy to miss them.
If you receive a ticket, inspect the intersection for warning signs and consult a traffic attorney.
There’s no secret: these are meant to make red light intersections safer.
The City of Bakersfield publishes the locations of its eight red light camera-enforced intersections online.
These are:
Bernard Street and Oswell Street
Oak Street & California Avenue
Brundage Lane & Chester Avenue
California Avenue, Stockdale Highway, & New Stine Road
Stockdale Highway & Coffee Road
Truxtun Avenue & Coffee Road
Old River Road & Ming Avenue
Real Road & Ming Avenue
White Lane & Wible Road
Valley Plaza & Ming Avenue
So, these intersections should have signs warning of red light cameras that are set with a yellow to red time limit set in accordance with the speed limit on the road. That time limit is defined in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD).
How Sensor-Triggered Red Light Cameras Work
Bakersfield uses a sensor-triggered system managed by a private company. When a vehicle enters the intersection during a red light, the system captures an image and video of the driver and license plate.
A trained traffic patrol officer must review the footage and images before issuing the ticket. However, some reviews might be cursory.
If you receive a ticket, consult a traffic attorney before paying or revealing who was driving. The burden is on the State to prove who was driving.
Judges often dismiss the ticket when the photos are unclear, or the driver cannot be identified, especially when a knowledgeable traffic attorney asks them to do so because their client wasn’t driving.
Red light cameras are more visible at night due to their flashes. Even if you don’t see the flash, you might still receive a ticket in the mail. The ticket will include evidence, instructions for contesting the ticket, and payment options.
Why You Should Hire a Traffic Attorney to Resolve Your Red Light Camera Violation
Hiring a traffic attorney can provide significant benefits.
They can build a defense strategy, negotiate reduced fines and penalties, or secure a dismissal. Their thorough knowledge of California traffic law and familiarity with local courts ensures effective representation.
In Bakersfield, Kern County, CA, the traffic ticket defense team of Bigger & Harman has been asked to defend more than 20,000 traffic tickets during the past decade.
They can protect your driving record and reduce the impact of a red light camera violation.
Contact Bigger & Harman About a Red Light Camera Violation
If you receive a red light camera violation in the mail, contact the Bakersfield Traffic Defense Team of Bigger & Harman, at (661) 349-9300—Se habla Español (661) 349-9755.
It is crucial not to discuss the ticket with law enforcement before your consultation. As you know, “Everything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.”
Email us at attorney@biggerharmanlaw.com or use the contact form to schedule a consultation.
The Bankrate.com article, Average cost of car insurance in CA for 2024.