Protect Your Driving Privileges Fight Your Ticket With Bigger & Harman Today

undefinedCalifornia law enforcement officers (LEOs) issued more than 2 million (5,000 daily) speeding tickets in 2023. How many of those drivers could have saved hundreds or thousands of dollars by hiring a speeding ticket lawyer to dispute their ticket in court?

Many assumed paying the fine would be cheaper and more convenient. That’s not always the case.

CA Traffic Law & the DMV-Approved Traffic Violator Course—How It Works

To be honest, many speeders who are eligible can use a DMV-approved Traffic Violator Course (TVS) to keep their speeding tickets confidential.

However, not everyone is eligible. If your speeding ticket was for going 1 to 24 mph over the limit, you might be eligible to plead guilty, pay the fine and the county administrative fee, and attend a course online. But there are numerous reasons why you would want to contest the ticket even if you are eligible for traffic school: (1) You drive a lot and want to keep your mulligan for if you get another ticket in the next 18 month, (2) you want to avoid the hassle of attending traffic school, (3) you believe in fighting some tickets out of principle.

What Are the Eligibility Requirements & Restrictions for TVS?

  • You must have a valid CA driver’s license.

  • You must not have used TVS to mask a ticket within the past 18 months.

  • You must not have been driving a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) when you were ticketed.

  • You were ticketed for a minor infraction.

  • No tickets with a mandatory court appearance can be masked with TVS.

  • The ticket must not have been a major infraction (100+ mph), a misdemeanor, or a felony, including drug or alcohol-related incidents.

  • You must finish before the court-ordered date.

If you were driving 25 or more mph over the speed limit but less than 100 mph, you need a traffic court judge’s approval to attend TVS. We can help you with that. Avoiding increased auto insurance premiums will typically make our fee worthwhile.

There are other restrictions and circumstances, so you should always discuss TVS with a Stanislaus County speeding ticket lawyer about disputing you ticket in Modesto Courthouse.

If you don’t complete the TVS course before the court-ordered date, the guilty plea will become a part of your record, open to insurance companies, higher level school recruiters, and potential employers.

Never use TVs for a correctable ticket like no proof of insurance in possession or loud exhaust, you might learn something about defensive driving but otherwise, there’s no financial benefit.

How Hiring a Speeding Ticket Lawyer Can Help You Dispute a Ticket

—Possible Reduced Charges

One key benefit of hiring a speeding ticket lawyer is their ability to negotiate. Skilled attorneys may persuade the traffic court judge to reduce charges or lower the fines associated with your ticket. In some cases, they might even secure a no-point conviction, allowing you to pay the fine without adding points to your record.

—Avoiding Points on Your Driving Record

Points from a speeding ticket can raise your insurance premiums, affecting your finances for years. A speeding ticket attorney can work to keep your driving record clean, helping you save on insurance costs. This long-term financial impact is one reason hiring legal help is often worth it.

—When Your Case Is Complex

Hiring a speeding ticket lawyer is highly recommended if your case involves contested speed readings, unusual circumstances, or other complexities. Lawyers know how to present your side effectively and can work to uncover potential flaws in the case.

—Evidence Collection and Presentation

Speeding ticket lawyers understand the legal process for gathering evidence to support your case. They can subpoena calibration records for speed measurement devices and present crucial evidence in court. This level of preparation strengthens your defense and might increase your chances of a favorable outcome.

Hiring a speeding ticket lawyer in Modesto offers significant advantages, from reducing fines to avoiding costly points on your record.

Consulting a traffic attorney is a smart step toward protecting your driving record and finances for any traffic ticket.

Consult with Bigger & Harman, the CA Speeding Ticket Attorneys

If you need help with a speeding ticket, hiring a Stanislaus County speeding ticket lawyer might save you hundreds of dollars, or it might not be necessary.

The best way to determine whether you need a speeding ticket attorney to resolve your ticket in Modesto Courthouse is to ask Bigger & Harman. We are much too busy helping California drivers who need our help to accept your case if we believe we can’t help you.

During the past decade, we have been asked to defend more than 20,000 traffic tickets in California courts.

Call us at (661) 349-9300— Se habla Español (661) 349-9755.

Email us at or use our convenient contact form.


CA VC Section 22348, 22349, 22350, 22356, & [22348 - 22366] Speed Laws.

The CA Driver Handbook English y Español.

The CA DMV Traffic Violator Course Webpage.

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