Protect Your Driving Privileges Fight Your Ticket With Bigger & Harman Today

undefinedCA's roads can be tempting for those with a need for speed, but exceeding 100 mph comes with severe repercussions far beyond a typical speeding ticket. 

Speeding over 100 mph on one of Tulare County’s two major highways, State Highway #99, which connects Tulare County to Fresno in the north, and Bakersfield in Kern County to the south, or on State Highway #198 can lead to significant financial hardship and legal trouble.

While you might think you can't afford an attorney to fight a speeding over 100 mph ticket, the potential consequences make legal representation a wise investment.

CA Classifies Speeding Over 100 MPH as a Major Infraction

CA Vehicle Code (VC) Section 22348Speed Laws classifies speeding over 100 mph as a major traffic violation, not a misdemeanor as some sources mistakenly claim. 

However, depending on the circumstances, the officer might issue additional citations for reckless driving, speed contests, or an exhibition of speed. The financial penalties can be as severe as a misdemeanor, but without a criminal record.

The Penalties for Speeding Over 100 MPH in CA

Getting cited for speeding over 100 mph in CA carries significant consequences:

  • Mandatory Court Appearance: Unlike minor speeding tickets, speeding over 100 mph requires a mandatory court appearance. You cannot resolve the issue through traffic school or online payment (with a few exceptions, such as in Mono and Inyo counties). The long-term costs associated with a conviction often outweigh the cost of legal representation.

  • Steep Fines: Expect a hefty fine ranging from $859 to $2,137. Repeat offenses within three years and a third offense within five years lead to even steeper fines, highlighting the seriousness of the violation.

  • License Suspension: A 30-day driver's license suspension is a possibility, significantly impacting your ability to get around in Tulare County, where driving is essential.

  • Two Negligent Operator Treatment System Points: These two NOTS points will remain for seven years, leaving you halfway to a six-month suspension and 12-month concurrent driving privilege probation. 

The Long-Term Repercussions of a Speeding Over 100 MPH Conviction

The consequences of speeding over 100 mph go beyond the immediate impact on your wallet. Here are some long-term repercussions:

  • Double or Triple Insurance Premiums: Insurance companies view such violations as high-risk behavior, leading to a significant increase in your car insurance premiums, potentially doubling or even tripling the cost. These increased premiums will remain as long as the conviction stays on your driving record (MVR), which can be up to seven years.

  • Potential Insurance Denial: In extreme cases, your insurance company might refuse to cover you altogether. While auto insurance is mandatory in CA, your insurance company is not obligated to continue coverage after a serious violation.

A conviction could mean tens of thousands of dollars in increased premiums for up to seven years. 

How a Traffic Attorney Can Help

If you've been cited for speeding over 100 mph, consider seeking help from a knowledgeable and experienced traffic attorney. 

They can:

  • Analyze your case and potentially negotiate a lesser charge or reduced fine, saving you money and potentially protecting your license.

  • Guide you through the legal process and ensure your rights are protected.

  • Represent you in court, allowing you to avoid a trip to court and potential work/school disruptions.

While the thrill of exceeding the speed limit might be tempting, the potential penalties for speeding over 100 mph are severe and long-lasting. 

Respecting the speed limit and considering the consequences is crucial. However, if you do find yourself facing a 100+ mph speeding ticket in Tulare County, remember that skilled traffic attorneys are available to help you navigate the legal complexities and fight for the best possible outcome.

Consult Bigger & Harman About Speeding Over 100 MPH in Tulare County, CA

When faced with a speeding over 100 mph ticket in Porterville or Visalia Courthouse, call Bigger & Harman, APC, at (661) 349-9300. 

Or, use the handy contact form to schedule a free consultation or email

Se habla Español (661) 349-9755.


The CA Driver Handbook English y Español.

CA VC Section 22348Speed Laws.

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