Protect Your Driving Privileges Fight Your Ticket With Bigger & Harman Today

undefinedWhile many drivers might shrug off a citation for an unsafe or improper turn or U-turn as a minor inconvenience, the financial repercussions can be more extensive than the initial fine. 

Here at Bigger & Harman, APC, our Fresno traffic ticket attorneys understand the hidden costs associated with these violations and can help you fight for a favorable outcome.

Beyond the Fine: The Threat of a DMV NOTS Suspension

The initial ticket for an illegal U-turn might only be $238, but it can trigger a domino effect.

The California DMV administers the Negligent Operator Treatment System (NOTS). 

This system assigns points to various traffic violations, with minor infractions like an illegal U-turn receiving one point. 

However, accumulating points due to unsafe or improper turns and U-turns can lead to a NOTS suspension or probation, significantly impacting your driving privileges.

Understanding the CA DMV NOTS Point System

CA Vehicle Code (VC) Section 12810Issuance and Renewal of Licenses, establishes the framework for the NOTS point system. 

Each violation is assigned a specific point value. Minor infractions like speeding, failing to stop at a red light, or improper lane changes accrue one point. 

More serious offenses like reckless driving or driving without a license carry a two-point penalty. Therefore, even a few unsafe or improper turn violations can put your license at risk.

Dispute Every Ticket with a Skilled Traffic Attorney

The best way to avoid a NOTS suspension is to minimize the number of points on your record. 

Consulting a knowledgeable and experienced Fresno County traffic attorney whenever you receive a traffic citation is crucial. 

An attorney can help you fight the ticket in court, potentially resulting in a dismissal or a reduction to a non-moving violation that carries no points. Therefore, your auto insurance premium will not increase. 

The "Straw that Breaks the Camel's Back”

Even though a single illegal U-turn violation only carries one NOTS point for non-commercial drivers, it could be the deciding factor about a driving privilege suspension if you have previous violations on your record. 

Our Fresno traffic ticket attorneys understand the intricacies of the NOTS system and can develop a strategic defense to minimize the impact of unsafe or improper turns and U-turn citations on your driving record.

The Legalities of U-Turns in Fresno County Residential Districts

California traffic law is clear regarding U-turns within residential areas. 

A legal U-turn requires the absence of oncoming traffic within 200 meters. This distance can be substantial, often spanning two city blocks. For this reason, "no U-turn" signs are frequently posted at controlled intersections.

So, When Is a U-Turn Legal in Fresno?

Here's a quick breakdown of legal U-turn scenarios:

  • No oncoming traffic within 200 meters.

  • At a green light with no posted "No U-Turn" sign and no oncoming traffic.

  • Crossing a double yellow line only when the coast is clear.

  • On a divided highway with a designated U-turn Lane and no "No U-Turn" sign.

  • When all other conditions are met, and there are no railroad tracks within the U-turn area.

What to Do if You Get a Ticket for an Unsafe or Improper Turn

Even if you believe you made a legal U-turn, if a law enforcement officer (LEO) issues you a ticket, avoid arguing with them. 

Sign the ticket and contact a traffic attorney immediately. Staying calm and cooperative with the LEO will benefit you in the long run. Your attorney can then review the details of your case and develop the most effective defense strategy.

The Hidden Financial Costs of Unsafe or Improper Turns

Beyond the initial fine, an unsafe or improper turn violation can lead to increased auto insurance premiums. 

A paid fine can result in losing your "good driver's discount," leading to a potential 20% premium increase. Additionally, insurance companies may add a risk assessment surcharge for the violation, typically ranging from 10% to 12%. These combined increases can translate to an additional $600-$750 per year for the three years the violation remains on your driving record.

Consult with Bigger & Harman About Disputing an Unsafe or Improper Turn & U-Turns

When you need assistance resolving unsafe or improper turns and U-turns in Fresno Courthouse, contact Bigger & Harman at (661) 349-9300— Se habla Español (661) 349-9755. 

Our experienced Fresno County traffic ticket attorneys can help you navigate the legal process and fight for a favorable outcome in court.

Otherwise, use our convenient-to-use contact form or email


CA VC Section 12810Issuance and Renewal of Licenses & 22102Turning and Stopping and Turning Signals.

The CA Driver Handbook English y Español.

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