Protect Your Driving Privileges Fight Your Ticket With Bigger & Harman Today

undefinedSpeeding over 100 mph on open stretches of highway, such as I-395 around Inyo County, CA, might seem like no one is watching.

However, the county has a fully functional sheriff’s office for its 18,000 residents and tourists, and Independence and Bishop, CA, have fully staffed police departments. But even more importantly, the California Highway Patrol is extremely active in patrolling Hwy 395 in Inyo County.

California law enforcement officers (LEOs) take this major traffic violation very seriously. A conviction for speeding over 100 mph has severe consequences, including hefty fines, negligent operator points, increased insurance premiums, and potential license suspension.

Who Is at Risk for a Speeding Over 100 MPH Ticket?

While obeying the speed limit is always the safest approach, the temptation to speed can be strong, especially on open roads. If you exceed 100 mph, it's crucial to understand the potential risks.

A animal crossing the highway, or a blown tire could lead to serious injury or death for you, your passengers, and everyone on the road.

The Importance of Remaining Silent

If pulled over for speeding over 100 mph, avoid making any statements to the officer about how fast you are going. Law enforcement officers often wear bodycams, and any statements you make could be used against you in court.

Certainly, arguing your case on the side of the road will not secure you a release from the speeding over 100 mph charge, and you could end up incriminating yourself by saying something that could be used against you.

Understanding the Legal Penalties

A speeding over 100 mph conviction is considered a major traffic infraction with severe penalties. The base fine can range from $300 to $500, but additional fees and surcharges can push the total cost to $859 to $2,137.

Additionally, you'll be assessed two NOTS points on your driving record for up to seven years, leading to increased insurance premiums (often double or triple what you are currently paying) and potential license suspension.

California judges are authorized by CA Vehicle Code Section 22348, Speed Laws, to suspend your driving privileges for 30 days even if you have never had a ticket before. That can be more than inconvenient in Inyo County.

The Role of a Traffic Ticket Attorney

Consulting with a traffic ticket attorney is essential after receiving a speeding over 100 mph ticket.

An experienced attorney can navigate the legal complexities, potentially resulting in a reduced fine, dismissed charges, or other favorable outcomes.

Protecting Your Driving Record and Future

Speeding over 100 mph convictions have long-lasting consequences.

The financial burden, including increased insurance premiums and potential fines, can be substantial. Moreover, the impact on your driving record can jeopardize your ability to drive legally.

By seeking legal representation from a qualified traffic ticket attorney, you can protect your driving privileges and minimize the financial repercussions of a speeding over 100 mph conviction.

Don't hesitate to contact a traffic ticket attorney if you face this serious traffic violation.

Consult Bigger & Harman About Speeding Over 100 MPH in Inyo County, CA

When you face a speeding over 100 mph ticket in Independence or Bishop Courthouse, call Bigger & Harman, APC, at (661) 349-9300.

Or, use the handy contact form to schedule a free consultation or email

Se habla Español (661) 349-9755.


The CA Driver Handbook English y Español.

CA VC Section 22348, Speed Laws.

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