Protect Your Driving Privileges Fight Your Ticket With Bigger & Harman Today

undefinedCould this be your weekend adventure in Mono County?

Speeding over 100 mph might seem unthinkable to some drivers, but with all the drivers traveling around 80 or 85 mph on I-395 between Bridgeport and Mammoth Lakes in Mono County, it’s easy to get distracted.

Imagine rolling through the Sierra Madres on I-395 South, heading toward Mammoth Lakes and Death Valley National Park. Along the way, on this scenic three-and-a-half-hour drive, you’ll also pass Yosemite and Sequoia National Park to the West.

You’re just keeping up with traffic and enjoying the scenery when one of the kids says they need to use the bathroom, and your wife seconds that. You speed up to pass another vehicle when you see the flashing lights in the rearview mirror.

You glance down at the speedometer, which reads 102 mph. You wonder where the cop came from and how you got going that fast. 

The law enforcement officer (LEO) gets right to the point. “I stopped you because I clocked you doing 103 mph in a 65 mph zone. Can I see your license, registration, and proof of insurance?”

One of the latest changes to the CA Vehicle Code is AB 2773, Traffic Stopswhich requires law enforcement to inform you of the reason for the stop before they ask to see your documents.

Despite your pleas and explanations about your wife and child needing to use the restroom urgently, the officer says, “Sign here and we’ll see you in Bridgeport Courthouse. You’ll love it. It’s listed on the National Register of Historic Places.”

What Are the Possible Outcomes of a Speeding over 100 MPH Ticket? 

Do you want the good news first or the bad news? The good and bad news is that there are several possible outcomes.

Let’s discuss the possible negative results first, and then we can discuss how to avoid them, possibly.

Normally the defendant or an attorney must make a mandatory court appearance on over 100 MPH cases in California. However, in Bridgeport or Mammoth Lakes Courthouse that requirement is often waived. Beware, many people just decide to pay the fine and then only later learn the awful consequences of the two points your record that could double or triple your insurance. 

They might also warn you that failure to appear (FTA) is considered a misdemeanor crime, in addition to your other charge of speeding over 100 mph, regardless of how you resolve that ticket.

CA Vehicle Code (VC) Section 40508 Release Upon Promise to Appear, warns, “A person willfully violating his or her written promise to appear…is guilty of a misdemeanor…”

Therefore, you should consult a traffic attorney immediately so that you can decide on a course of action. 

Representing yourself on such a serious violation is not recommended. 

If you are convicted, you’ll face:

  • A fine of between $859 and $2,137.
  • Two negligent operator treatment system (NOTS) points.
  • Increased insurance premium—often double or triple what you are paying now.
  • A 30-day potential license suspension. 

If you hire an attorney:

  • They can represent you at arraignment and trial, meaning you won’t have to be there for either.
  • They will submit all the necessary documentation.
  • They can negotiate with the judge for a reduced charge.
  • When conditions exist, they can ask for an outright dismissal. 

You might think you can’t afford an attorney, but if that’s true, you really can’t afford to be without one when charged with speeding over 100 mph.

Give us a call. We offer a free, no-obligation initial consultation, and we’ll resolve your ticket using a flat fee so that you will know how much our fee is before you agree to representation.

Consult Bigger & Harman, APC, About Speeding over 100 MPH in CA

When facing a speeding over 100 mph mandatory court appearance in Bridgeport or Mammoth Lakes Courthouse in Mono County, CA, call Bigger & Harman, APC, at (661) 349-9300. 

Se habla Español (661) 349-9755.

Or, use the handy contact form to schedule a free consultation or email


CA VC Section 22348Speed Laws & Section 40508 Release Upon Promise to Appear.

The CA Driver Handbook English y Español.

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