Protect Your Driving Privileges Fight Your Ticket With Bigger & Harman Today

undefinedThe legality of a U-turn can be crucial to whether you pay a fine and are assessed negligent operator treatment system (NOTS) points. However, being found guilty of making an illegal U-turn could be disastrous if you were involved in an accident while making that turn.

Understanding Illegal U-Turns in California

According to the CA Vehicle Code (VC), what is an illegal U-turn in California?

“No driver shall make a U-turn at an intersection controlled by official traffic signals except as provided in Section 21451, and then only from the far lefthand lane that is lawfully available to traffic moving in the direction of travel from which the turn is commenced. No driver shall make a U-turn at an intersection controlled by official traffic control devices except from the far lefthand lane that is lawfully available to traffic moving in the direction of travel from which the turn is commenced.” — CA VC Section 22100.5Turning and Stopping and Turning Signals.

Therefore, it is never legal to perform a U-turn when:

  • You must cross a railroad track to do so.
  • On a divided highway, when there are two double yellow lines, strips of turf, no opening, a curb, a divider, or when a sign prohibits U-turns.
  • Onto a one-way street going in the wrong direction.
  • Signs prohibit it. 
  • In a business district where there is NO intersection or opening.
  • At an intersection and oncoming traffic is within 200 feet, or you do not have an unobstructed view of traffic, which could include fog or severe weather.   

Always Consult a Traffic Attorney Before Taking Action

Many times, the law enforcement officer (LEO) might not be sure about the traffic code or are not aware of changes to it. 

Traffic attorneys, on the other hand, typically spend most of their working hours in traffic court hearing traffic court judges rule on similar cases to yours. What they’ve learned can often be applied to your situation.

Likewise, they know when you should plead not guilty or no contest when a civil suit is pending. Pleading guilty could derail a civil suit and open you up to monetary damages. 

For more information about illegal U-turns, read our blog post “What Drivers Should Do About an Illegal U-Turn Ticket in Shafter, CA [A Legal Perspective].”

Then, follow up with an initial consultation.

Contact Bigger & Harman About an Illegal U-Turn Ticket in Kings County, CA

When facing an illegal U-turn ticket in Hanford Courthouse, contact the traffic ticket defense team of Bigger & Harman, APC. Give us a call at (661) 349-9300. Se habla Español (661) 349-9755.

Use the contact form to schedule a consultation, or email us at


The article, Average cost of car insurance in CA for 2023.

CA VC Section 22100.5Turning and Stopping and Turning Signals.

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