Protect Your Driving Privileges Fight Your Ticket With Bigger & Harman Today

undefinedGetting a speeding ticket can be a stressful experience. Beyond the initial annoyance, the potential penalties can be significant.

You’re best option for possibly getting it dismissed or the penalties reduced is hiring a speeding ticket lawyer because a paid fine or conviction will impact your driving record, insurance rates, and, most importantly, your wallet for the next three years. 

Hiring a speeding ticket lawyer can be a wise decision to navigate the legal system and potentially mitigate the consequences.

Understanding the Penalties 

California has a tiered system for speeding ticket fines and penalties. Here's a brief overview:

  • 1-15 mph over the speed limit: This results in a fine of approximately $238 and one Negligent Operator Treatment System (NOTS) point on your driving record for 36 to 39 months.
  • 16-24 mph over the speed limit: Expect a fine of around $360 and one NOTS point.
  • 25 mph over the speed limit up to 100 mph: This carries a fine of approximately $490 and one point. You must have a traffic court judge’s permission to attend Traffic Violator School (TVS) and keep the conviction confidential. 
  • Speeding 100+ mph: This is a major infraction with a mandatory court appearance. You are not eligible to attend TVS to keep it confidential, and the fine ranges between $859 to $2,137 and two NOTS points that stay on your record for up to seven years. Your auto insurance will likely double or triple. 

Hiring a Speeding Ticket Lawyer

So, when should you consider hiring a speeding ticket lawyer? 

First, when you get a speeding ticket, you should consult a traffic attorney, as some options could keep you from paying more auto insurance by attending TVS, but not everyone is eligible, and several situations prevent attendance from making it financially beneficial. 

For instance, only one can be kept confidential when you have multiple tickets, so that might not help. 

Here are some key situations to consider and discuss with a traffic attorney:

  1. Seeking a Reduction in Charges: An experienced speeding ticket lawyer may be able to negotiate with the traffic court judge to potentially reduce the charges or the fine associated with your ticket. Believe it or not, a traffic attorney could negotiate a no-point conviction where you only pay the fine, and there are no points.
  2. Avoiding Points on Your Record: Points on your driving record can increase insurance premiums for years. A lawyer can fight to keep your record clean. These are the two most crucial elements because a clean record with no points equals the lowest insurance premium.
  3. Complexities of the Case: If the circumstances surrounding your ticket are complicated, such as disputed speed readings or extenuating factors, legal representation is highly effective.
  4. Gathering & Presenting Evidence: A knowledgeable and experienced speeding ticket lawyer knows the procedures to subpoena calibration and training record on speed measuring devices and how to present these in court effectively.

Finding the Right Speeding Ticket Lawyer

First, it’s crucial to understand that hiring a speeding ticket lawyer is much different than hiring a family law or criminal attorney. 

Although some traffic violations require an experienced criminal lawyer, speeding tickets in CA DO NOTrequire jail time and will not leave you with a criminal record.  

However, the procedures and idiosyncrasies of traffic court are much different than divorce, custody, civil, or criminal court. The pace is much faster, and the DA is only involved in misdemeanor or felony driving offenses in most circumstances. 

Traffic courts typically handle dozens of tickets daily. The driver or their attorney might only have five or ten minutes to present their case. There are no “breaks” to find a witness or get evidence that is not in the courtroom.   

Now, how do you find the right speeding ticket lawyer for your case? Here are some helpful tips:

  • Online Resources: Use platforms like AVVO (Mark Bigger) or (Paul Harman), YelpAttorney Search, and Nolo to read reviews and compare lawyers in your area.
  • Word-of-Mouth: Ask friends, family, or colleagues for recommendations based on their positive experiences with local traffic attorneys.
  • Consultations: Some speeding ticket lawyers offer free consultations. This free consultation allows you to discuss your case, ask questions, and get a sense of their approach before committing to their services.

Remember, hiring a speeding ticket lawyer can be a valuable investment in protecting your driving record and minimizing the financial repercussions of a ticket. 

By following these steps and seeking qualified legal representation, you can navigate this situation with greater peace of mind.

Consult with Bigger & Harman, Who Regularly Resolve Speeding Tickets in Merced County  

When you need assistance hiring a speeding ticket lawyer in Los Banos Courthouse in Merced County, contact the office of Bigger & Harman, APC, at (661) 349-9300. Se habla Español (661) 349-9755.

Alternatively, use our handy online contact form or email Send a copy/picture of your citation and a summary of the stop.


The CA Driver Handbook English y Español.

CA VC Section 223502234822349Speed Laws and others.

The article, Average cost of car insurance in CA for 2023.

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