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undefinedThe Dangers of Going the Wrong Way on the Freeway

Driving on a freeway or highway demands the driver’s complete focus. Significant distractions like using your phone, eating, or drinking increase the risk of going the wrong way on the freeway or any roadway, which could cause a potentially deadly accident.

The Consequences of Wrong-Way Driving

Accidentally ending up going the wrong way on a busy freeway like the I-5 can have severe consequences, even if no collision occurs. A traffic citation is almost certain, but the severity of the offense can vary depending on the situation.

Going the wrong way on the freeway is classified as a Misdemeanor crime. 

“It is unlawful to drive any vehicle upon a highway, except to the right of an intermittent barrier or a dividing section which separates two or more opposing lanes of traffic.”—CA Vehicle Code (VC) Section 21651Driving on Right Side Paragraph (b).

“Any willful violation of subdivision (b) which results in injury to, or death of, a person shall be punished by imprisonment…in a county jail for a period of not more than six months.”—Paragraph (c).    

Stay Safe and Focused Behind the Wheel

Prioritizing your safety and the safety of others on the road is paramount. Avoid distractions and remain vigilant while driving, especially on high-speed freeways. Remember, a momentary lapse in focus can have devastating consequences.

Going the Wrong Way on the Freeway Is a Serious Offense

A misdemeanor is a serious offense with potential jail time. It's crucial to contact a knowledgeable and experienced traffic attorney like Bigger & Harman in Bakersfield (349-9300) for legal advice.

Important Reminders:

  • Do not argue with the officer: Avoid attempting to talk your way out of the ticket.
  • Sign the citation: Signing the ticket is simply an acknowledgement of receiving it and a promise to appear in court, not an admission of guilt.
  • Refusal to sign: If you refuse to sign, the officer may detain you until you post bail or bond.

Consult with Bigger & Harman, Immediately

It is always prudent to simply sign the ticket without making a statement or protesting. Most law enforcement officers wear body cams now. Therefore, many guilty verdicts are determined on the side of the road as the driver tries to explain their way out of a ticket and admits guilt. Before making a statement to the police or court officials, call Bigger & Harman in Bakersfield at (661) 349-9300. 

Se habla Español (661) 349-9755.

Otherwise, use the convenient online contact form or email


CA VC Section 21651Driving on Right Side

The CA Driver Handbook English y Español.

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