Protect Your Driving Privileges Fight Your Ticket With Bigger & Harman Today

undefinedExceeding the speed limit is a common traffic violation. In fact, it is the most common traffic ticket issued worldwide. However, a 100+ mph speeding conviction elevates speeding to a much more serious offense financially. 

In CA, speeding over 100 mph carries significant penalties that can have a lasting impact on your driving privileges and finances. This blog post explores the consequences you face and highlights the importance of legal representation in such situations.

Steeper Penalties Than Standard Speeding Tickets

CA Vehicle Code (VC) Section 22348(b) treats speeding over 100 mph differently than standard speeding violations. It's not just a traffic infraction; it is a major infraction with broader penalties that could include:

  • Substantial Fines: Offenses typically involve fines ranging from $859 to $2,137. Repeat offenses within three to five years lead to even steeper fines.
  • License Suspension: A 30-day license suspension is a potential consequence for a first offense. 
  • Mandatory Court Appearances: Unlike typical speeding tickets, you or an attorney are required to appear in all but a few courts for exceeding 100 mph.

Increased Insurance Premiums

Speeding violations, especially those exceeding 100 mph, are viewed as high-risk behavior by insurance companies. Therefore, a 100+ mph speeding conviction can significantly raise your insurance premium or even drop your coverage altogether. Typically, the driver’s premium will double or triple.

Why Consulting a Traffic Attorney Could Make a 100+ MPH Speeding Conviction Less Likely

If you're cited for speeding over 100 mph in Ridgecrest, CA, seeking legal guidance from a skilled traffic attorney is crucial. 

An attorney can:

  • Analyze Your Case: A thorough examination of your case can uncover mitigating factors that may lead to a reduced charge or fine.
  • Negotiate on Your Behalf: An attorney can leverage their experience and knowledge of traffic laws to negotiate with the traffic court judge on your behalf, potentially resulting in a more favorable outcome.
  • A knowledgeable and experienced traffic attorney could possibly negotiate a deal for traffic violator course attendance, which is normally not allowed with a 100+ mph speeding conviction.

Traffic attorneys spend a great deal of time in traffic court. They know the procedures, how to subpoena calibration and training records for speed measuring devices, and more. 

Protecting Your Rights and Exploring Options

Everyone deserves legal representation, especially when facing the severe financial consequences of a 100+ mph speeding conviction. A experienced traffic attorney can ensure your rights are protected and explore all legal avenues to obtain the best possible outcome in your case.

The Choice is Clear: Slow Down and Avoid the Risks

The thrill of speeding may be tempting, but the potential consequences of exceeding 100 mph are far too serious. 

Remember, the “need for speed” or momentary lapse in judgment can lead to substantial financial burdens, license suspension, and increased insurance rates. 

The next time you feel the urge to push the limits, make the safe choice and slow down. However, if you do find yourself facing a 100+ mph speeding citation, don't hesitate to seek help from a qualified traffic attorney.

Ask Bigger & Harman About Speeding 100+ MPH in Ridgecrest Courthouse in Kern County, CA

When facing a 100+ mph speeding conviction in Ridgecrest Courthouse, call Bigger & Harman, APC, at (661) 349-9300. 

Or, use the handy contact form to schedule a free consultation or email

Se habla Español (661) 349-9755.


CA VC Section 22348Speed Laws.

The CA Driver Handbook English y Español.

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