Protect Your Driving Privileges Fight Your Ticket With Bigger & Harman Today

undefinedThe high-octane world of fast cars depicted in movies might make reckless driving or an exhibition of speed seem exciting, but the reality of facing these charges in California is far from glamorous.

Many drivers are tempted to push their vehicles' limits on open roads, especially after watching action-packed films. However, the potential legal consequences are severe. Let's explore the repercussions of these charges and how to avoid them.

Reckless driving in CA is defined by CA Vehicle Code (VC) Section 23103Driving Offenses as:

“A person who drives a vehicle upon a highway in willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property is guilty of reckless driving.”

Not only is reckless driving or an exhibition of speed a misdemeanor crime, but aiding and abetting a sideshow in CA is also. 

“(b) A person shall not aid or abet in any motor vehicle speed contest on a highway or in an off-street parking facility. (c) A person shall not engage in a motor vehicle exhibition of speed on a highway or in an off-street parking facility, and a person shall not aid or abet in a motor vehicle exhibition of speed on any highway or in an off-street parking facility…”—CA Vehicle Code (VC) Section 23109Driving Offenses pertaining to an exhibition of speed.

Tougher Penalties for Reckless Driving or an Exhibition of Speed Conviction

Our team frequently encounters drivers surprised by the harsh penalties associated with reckless driving and exhibitions of speed. These penalties are about to become even stricter.

Assembly Bill (AB-3), Exhibition of Speed on a Highway: Punishment, set to take effect in July 2025, aims to further toughen these penalties. 

This amendment to the California Vehicle Code (CA VC) emphasizes that both offenses are considered misdemeanors. Additionally, drivers and anyone aiding or abetting in organizing or participating in a "sideshow" can face harsher consequences.

A conviction for these offenses is not a minor inconvenience. It can lead to jail time in Kern County or probation for up to six months, a base fine of up to $1,000, or both. 

The California Assembly and Senate have also implemented ten surcharges on this base fine, potentially multiplying it nearly fivefold. On top of that, towing and impound fees can reach $1,500 or more.

Preventing Reckless Driving or an Exhibition of Speed Charges

Prevention is always the best course of action. 

While the thrill of the moment might be tempting, the consequences are undoubtedly not worth it. We strongly advise exercising caution on the roads and prioritizing both the law and the safety of others. 

Participating in these activities jeopardizes your legal standing and puts lives at risk.

Some young people have been lured into participating in sideshows with the promise of "ringside" access in exchange for helping set up roadblocks or collecting admission fees. 

They may not be aware their involvement is considered aiding and abetting a crime, a misdemeanor, as defined by the traffic code.

Tragic accidents often stem from a momentary lapse in judgment. While sideshows are a statewide issue, Bakersfield, Mojave, and other Kern County cities have unfortunately witnessed the deadly consequences of exhibitions of speed firsthand.

What to Do If You Face Reckless Driving or an Exhibition of Speed Charge

Everyone makes mistakes. If you find yourself facing charges for reckless driving or an exhibition of speed, or aiding and abetting the same, it's crucial to remember your rights. 

Immediately exercise your “right to remain silent.” Remember, “…anything you say can be used against you in court.”

Your next step should be to contact Bigger & Harman, APC. As your local Bakersfield, CA, traffic defense team, we offer extensive experience in traffic court and criminal trials. We understand the complexities of these charges and can provide effective guidance.

In conclusion, while the allure of speed and power can be strong, especially after watching popular movies, it's vital to understand the real-world consequences of reckless driving and exhibitions of speed in California. Always prioritize safety and legality. Remember, we're here to help if you find yourself facing these charges.

Contact Bigger & Harman 

When you need help disputing reckless driving or an exhibition of speed charge in Bakersfield Court in Kern County, call Bigger & Harman, APC at (661) 349-9300. Se habla Español (661) 349-9755.

Use the contact form to schedule a consultation, or email us at


The article, Average cost of car insurance in CA for 2023.

CA VC Section 23109 & 23103, Driving Offenses.

AB-3 (Fong), Exhibition of Speed on a Highway: Punishment.

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