Have you accumulated several parking tickets and you are afraid that you
will lose your driver’s license (DL)? That’s not liable to
happen anymore, but your credit may be significantly damaged by non-payment.
San Luis Obispo County in California is serious about giving out Negligent
Operator Treatment System (NOTS) points against your DL for moving violations
when you have even one traffic ticket. However, even though there are
no points for parking tickets, if you don’t pay, the county has
the option to add an additional $300 assessment unto your already unaffordable
ticket stockpile.
Even Governor Brown has realized the state has put too much on the traffic offenders while vetoing a measure to add another $1.00 for spinal injuries he said, "Loading more and more costs on traffic tickets has been too easy a source of new revenue. Fines should be based on what is reasonable punishment, not on paying for more general fund activities."
Another great revelation for the Governor was that the practice of suspending driver’s licenses for non-payment was causing more harm to the economy and the residents of CA than it was providing safer roads. Fewer people were paying their fines because without a license many lost their jobs and the ability to pay their fines, so as of July 2017, the state will no longer suspend your DL for non-payment, but can if you fail to appear in court. Therefore, it would be wise to appear for court or hire a traffic ticket lawyer to represent you, so you won’t miss work.
Too Many Parking Tickets?
In receiving parking tickets, it is important to follow the instructions on each one as soon as possible or it will likely cost you more and because parking tickets are processed differently in each city and some may not go through the court at all. What If you cannot afford to pay all those tickets? What can you do?
First, you can request a 30-day court date or due date extension. This can be done by phone or in person or hire a traffic ticket defender to speak to the court on your behalf.
Second, you can ask the court to consider your financial hardship or inability to pay and request a payment plan. You will need to pay at least ten percent to start, plus there will be a small administrative fee added to each payment, but at least you can keep your good credit intact.
Request Making Payments to San Robles Courthouse
You can request a payment plan through the court clerk or from the judge at arraignment. The courthouse accepts most methods of payment such as cash, credit and debit cards (VISA, Mastercard, Discover), personal checks, cashier’s checks and money orders. The court's vendor charges a fee for credit card transactions.
The courthouse accepts mailed in payments to the court (not cash). Make sure to include a copy of the citation with payment.
The court will accept payments in cash in person at the San Robles Courthouse and give you a receipt.
Hire a San Luis Obispo (SLO) Attorney
Although hiring an attorney for parking tickets may seem like overkill, when you have hundreds or thousands of dollars in parking tickets, it may be your best choice to get a traffic ticket defender to assist you to get those tickets dismissed or reduced. In SLO, just one parking ticket can be near $200. How many do you have in your glove compartment?
In SLO, Mark Bigger and Paul Harman are traffic ticket defenders who represent their clients in traffic court. Bigger & Harman, APC take pride in defending the rights of the residents of SoCal and the Central Valley. San Bernardino, San Luis Obispo, Riverside, and Los Angeles counties in SoCal county courts and all the Central Valley traffic courts. When traffic court’s in session you may find Mark Bigger, Paul Harman or another member of their legal team in Paso Robles, SLO, Bakersfield, Delano, Mojave, Barstow, LA or any of the other large cities in Central Valley or SoCal.
Call Bigger & Harman, 661-349-9300, or email: attorney@markbigger.com when you need legal advice or counsel or would like a traffic ticket attorney to represent you in court.
For most people, going to court at the Paso Robles Courthouse and trying to negotiable multiple tickets is an overwhelming experience so hiring an attorney is a good choice. An attorney may be less expensive, in the long run, as an attorney may get the fines reduced to a reasonable amount or dismissed entirely, you can use the website contact form for your convenience.
Read the write-up on Nolo.com or check their reviews on Yelp to discover what family, friends, and neighbors have said about Bigger & Harman, a Central Valley traffic ticket legal team.
Se habla Español 661.349.9755.