High-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes are reserved for cars, motorcycles,
vans, buses, and any vehicle carrying two or more occupants. Those who
illegally use the HOV lane will be charged with a lane violation. If convicted
of a traffic infraction they will receive a fine but no negligent operator
treatment system (NOTS) points for improper use. Driving in the HOV lane
as a sole occupant in/on a vehicle can be very expensive, the minimum
fine is about $480-500.
Traveling on I-5 or the 405 in the HOV Lane
The HOV lane use requirements in the State of California are to have two or more occupants in the vehicle, excluding pets or infants still in the womb. In addition to carrying two or more occupants in a vehicle including motorcycles, other legitimate vehicles such as mass transit vehicles, paratransit vehicles clearly marked on all sides, and vehicles that meet specific emissions standards regardless of the number of occupants can drive in the high occupancy lane. Sole occupants, who are convicted of illegal use of the HOV lane will be charged with a lane violation and face a minimum fine of approximately $480-500. Incorrectly using the HOV lane is a lane violation, but it is not considered a moving violation and no NOTS points are assessed on your driver’s license (DL) by DMV.
There are two lane violation tickets, one is a nonmoving violation ticket for being only person in a vehicle in the HOV lane and the second if a driver crosses over a double yellow line to enter or exit HOV lane, which is a moving violation. Offenders who a cross double yellow line will be fined between $100 and $150, and because this is considered a moving violation, DMV will assess one NOTS point on your DL. Receiving a moving violation can result in a significant increase in the amount paid for car insurance. If you receive a lane violation ticket, you should speak to a traffic attorney about fighting your ticket.
Hire a Traffic Ticket Lawyer
Although there is no requirement to have representation to fight an HOV lane violation, you should discuss your options with a local traffic ticket lawyer. Call Bigger & Harman and discuss your specific circumstances, the call is free, and there is no obligation to continue. In fact, in many cases, Mark or Paul may suggest that you just pay the fine unless there are extenuating circumstances or a CA Vehicle Code change that would result in a dismissal of charges.
Bigger & Harman fights traffic tickets in places like Los Angeles where traffic tickets for HOV lanes occur regularly.
Call Bigger & Harman, 661-349-9300 to discuss your situation or email: attorney@markbigger.com
Read their Nolo.com write-up, Nolo is the nation’s largest online digest of legal professionals. In addition, you should check the comments on Yelp to get a clearer picture of who these guys are and how proud they are of their reputation of excellence serving California residents.
Se habla Español 661.349.9755.