Protect Your Driving Privileges Fight Your Ticket With Bigger & Harman Today

Fast And FuriousNo one would dispute that drivers who travel 45mph in a 30mph zone in Barstow or Apple Valley probably deserve speeding tickets. However, very few people would agree that such a velocity is dangerously fast and puts other people at risk. In fact, many multi-lane min roads in urban or suburban areas have 30mph speed limits, even though the road surface could safely accommodate higher speeds.

Proportionally, driving 100mph on some stretches of the Grapevine is the same as doing 45mph in a 30mph zone. If traffic is relatively light and the weather is good, some of the straighter and better-maintained sections of the Grapevine are easy to travel quickly on. In today’s high-performance cars, that means speeds above 100mph.

But while our 45mph speed demon gets a standard traffic ticket, at worst, our 100mph speed demon gets an enhanced 100+mph speeding ticket, and there’s a world of difference between the two.

VC 22348(b) Infractions

It’s more than just about the fine, which normally is a minimum of $900. The big costs are increased insurance rates. 100+mph tickets are also two-point infractions, and in most cases, that’s halfway to NOTS suspension. Additionally, courts don’t allow 100+mph speeders to take traffic court, so the points are on your record for 7 years. 22348(b) can also carry a 30 day license suspension, so regardless of how many points drivers have, they will probably end up with a license suspension for 30 days if they don’t seek representation on the ticket.

An attorney can leverage the proportionality defense, and some other ones as well, to get the charges lowered to regular speeding. VC 22349(b) and VC 22356(b) are two lesser infractions with a much lower impact on auto insurance rates, so you save real money.

Getting Legal Help

The aggressive attorneys at Bigger & Harman, APC, are committed to giving individuals a voice when dealing with speeding and traffic tickets. Call today at 661-349-9300 or email to receive the personal professional attention you deserve. En español, llame al 661-349-9755.

The higher your speed in Barstow, the higher the penalty assessments go and the more insurance rates go up. To fight a 100+mph ticket, call Bigger & Harman.

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