You know you shouldn’t be driving without a license or when your license is suspended, especially in Bakersfield. If you get caught, you are facing a misdemeanor, 2-points on your record and many other penalties. Whether you are in Bakersfield, LA or anywhere in Kern County, if you get arrested for driving without a valid license, you need to have legal help to fight this battle.
In California, there are two Vehicle Codes that apply to driving without a valid license. CVC 14601 addresses those driving on a suspended license, while CVC VC 12500 addresses those driving without a valid license. While both are misdemeanor driving offenses, they are slightly different in how they are prosecuted and how you can fight the ticket in court.
What Are the Penalties for Driving Without My License?
If you decide to drive on a suspended license or without a valid California license, you better hope you do not get caught. If you do, you are facing serious consequence and penalties. Not only is it a misdemeanor driving offense, the penalties can be substantial, including:
· Fines of up to $2000
· Jail time of up to one year
· Interlock device on your vehicle for up to three years
· Increases insurance premiums for several years
These penalties can haunt you for many years, making it difficult for you to obtain a valid license that you may need to work or care for your family. The misdemeanor can be permanently on your record and if you have another violation, it can add to additional penalties. You do not want to face a misdemeanor driving charge alone; you need an aggressive traffic attorney that will fight to have the charge dismissed or reduced to a lesser offense.
Who Can Fight My Ticket in Bakersfield for Driving Without My License?
When it comes to handling misdemeanor driving tickets in Bakersfield and throughout Kern County. Bigger & Harman, APC has a stellar reputation for winning these cases. Our team of experienced traffic lawyers will take the time and initiative to do everything in our power to fight for you and get your ticket dismissed.
Experienced Traffic Lawyers in Kern County
Whether you are going to court in Bakersfield, Lamont, Mojave or Delano, your source for excellent representation to beat your traffic ticket is at Bigger & Harman, APC. Call today at 661-859-1177 or email attorney@markbigger.com for a free consultation. Se Habla Español 661-376-0214.