Protect Your Driving Privileges Fight Your Ticket With Bigger & Harman Today

Is It Cheaper To Just Pay The Traffic Ticket Or An AttorneyFirst-Time Minor Offenses

Whether it is cheaper to just pay the traffic ticket fine or hire an attorney depends to a large extent on the violation and your driving history. If it is your first offense for speeding 1-15 mph over, chances are you can just pay the fine, plus an added traffic school fee, pay for the traffic school, attend traffic school, and keep your ticket confidential from your insurance company and you will maintain your “good drivers’ discount.” Some insurance companies will even ignore a first-time minor offense and not raise your premium.

Of course, a wise course of action is to consult with an attorney whenever you get a traffic ticket, but in most cases, minor infractions such as running a red light, unsafe lane change, illegal left turn, illegal U-turn, or other minor traffic infractions you should probably just pay the fine. However, if you strongly believe you are not guilty, you could go to court and represent yourself. Another option is to use a “Trial by Written Declaration,” which is a simple technique that does not require much of your time.

Traffic Tickets: Major Infractions and Misdemeanors

This is when hiring a traffic ticket attorney will really come in handy. Particularly misdemeanors, if you are convicted of a misdemeanor it will stay on your motor vehicle driving record for seven to ten years and on your arrest record for life. Take, for instance, a speeding over 100 mph ticket, this is not a misdemeanor, but the fine can be anywhere from $800 to $2600 and your insurance premium will skyrocket 50 percent or more if you are convicted if you can find a company to insure you when your current policy expires because you are now a high risk.

And, the worst part just might be that your driving privileges can be automatically suspended for 30 days on the spot. Do not go into court with a speeding over 100 mph or a misdemeanor ticket by yourself. Consult a traffic defense attorney as soon as possible to determine your best options. You do not want to hear the judge proclaim, “Guilty! Pay the court clerk and hand the bailiff your driver’s license because you won’t be able to use it for 30 days.”

Bigger & Harman, APC

Bigger & Harman, APC have a reputation for dependability and excellence with truckers and other Class A drivers in Central Valley CA. Read their write up on, a leading internet legal website.

When you face a misdemeanor traffic ticket or your license is about to be suspended, take advantage of a FREE, no-obligation phone consultation with a local traffic ticket attorney at Bigger & Harman, 661-349-9300. They represent clients in traffic court in San Bernardino, Kern, Kings, LA County, or many other South-Central and SoCal counties. Call the office, set up an appointment, use the contact form on the website, or email

En español, llame al 661-349-9755.

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