The I-15 Corridor from Barstow to Primm had even more CHP activity than normal over the Memorial Day weekend, as officers looked for speeders, move-over law violators, and distracted drivers.
Officials estimated that 330,000 visitors travelled to the Las Vegas Valley during the long weekend. Several years ago, that number would have meant a number of traffic fatalities in this area, but thanks to what a Nevada Highway Patrol spokesperson called a combination of “enforcement and education,” the death toll has diminished significantly.
To assist in the effort, officers on both sides of the border used electronic signs that flashed messages like “Entering NHP Zero Tolerance Zone,” in addition to fixed wing aircraft.
Heightened Enforcement Campaigns
Because of the enormous effort and expense involved, these Saturation Traffic Enforcement Programs (STEP) and other efforts often drive the delicate revenue v. safety equation totally out of balance. Drone aircraft and electronic signs are not free, pre-campaign publicity costs money and time, and officers do not work overtime for nothing. To recoup these costs and justify the effort, the participating officers are under intense pressure to write citations.
As a result, borderline enforcement contacts that probably would have been warnings under normal circumstances become citations. These citations are often difficult to prove in court, because all the elements are not present. Lack of evidence often means substantial savings, because the cases either get thrown out or the prosecutors make deals that are even more favorable than usual in order to avoid trial.
Getting Legal Help
The aggressive attorneys at Bigger & Harman, APC, are committed to giving individuals a voice when dealing with speeding and traffic tickets. Call today at 661-349-9300 or email to receive the personal professional attention you deserve. En español, llame al 661-349-9755.