Yet another California city did what Bakersfield refused to do: dump red
light cameras because they are about revenue instead of safety.
The Marysville City Council unanimously voted not to renew Redflex’s red light camera contract, which ended after ten years. Local police earlier defended the program, when cameras were at seven intersections and the money was rolling in. But Caltrans refused to allow the city to re-install cameras at five intersections after major construction at those intersections, so revenue fell dramatically. As for roadway safety, Police Chief Aaron Easton remarked that traffic collisions are on pace to be at their lowest level in ten years, even with most of the cameras now dark.
The City Council left the door open to bring the cameras back if traffic collisions increase again.
Red Light Camera Defenses
One of the main reasons that Maryville’s revenue went down, aside from the fewer number of cameras, was that red light tickets are easier to defend than some people think.
First, yellow light length is an issue in many of these citations. Even though an appeals court threw out a number of citations because the yellow light was too short, some cities have been slow to make the required changes. An attorney can verify whether the yellow light was within proper specifications at the time the ticket was issued, and if it was not, the ticket will be thrown out.
Second, Redflex issues more “snitch tickets” than real tickets. If the camera image is blurry or otherwise will not hold up in court, Redflex often sends a citation anyway and hopes that the driver will pay it without asking questions. An attorney can quickly review the photographic evidence and determine whether it will pass muster before a judge, and then fight these tickets to save you money.
Getting Legal Help
The aggressive attorneys at Bigger & Harman, APC, are committed to giving individuals a voice when dealing with speeding and traffic tickets. Call today at 661-349-9300 or email to receive the personal professional attention you deserve. En español, llame al 661-349-9755.