CHP officers in Tulare and Kern Counties are launching an educational and
compliance campaign in advance of a new child restraint law that takes
effect next year.
As of January 1, children 2 and under must be properly secured in rear-facing safety seats; children 8 and under must ride in age-appropriate car seats or booster seats. CHP Commissioner Joe Farrow says the agency is committed to strict enforcement, because according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, proper car seats reduce the risk of fatal injury to children by over 70 percent. The CORE (California Occupant Restraint Education) program will supplement the national “Click It Or Ticket” campaign, as well as the effort that takes place during National Child Passenger Safety Week.
“Buckling up and securing children in an appropriate child passenger safety seat goes a long way toward keeping you and your loved ones safe in the event of a traffic collision,” Mr. Farrow said.
Seat Belt Law
California has a rather long history of strict seat belt enforcement; for example, a little over twenty years ago, California was the first state to make not wearing a seat belt a primary offense, which means that officers can pull over drivers simply for not buckling up. Today, VC 27315 carries a $190 fine for a first offense; child safety seat violations vary, but can run as high as $469 for a first offense.
Many citations are essentially technical violations, because although the children are in safety seats or the adults are buckled, the children or adults are improperly restrained. As a result, prosecutors are anxious to make deals, because no one wants to sit through a car seat demonstration masquerading as a traffic ticket trial.
Getting Legal Help
The aggressive attorneys at Bigger & Harman, APC, are committed to giving individuals a voice when dealing with speeding and traffic tickets. Call today at 661-349-9300 or email to receive the personal professional attention you deserve. En español, llame al 661-349-9755.