Drivers in Independence and Bishop should be on the lookout for a new email
phishing scam that is circulating around the Golden State.
The official-looking message purportedly comes from a local police department and may contain an image of the person’s license plates, along with various links. The email usually demands payment within five days.
Citations are never sent by email under any circumstances, and online payments can be made only through county and state websites.
100+mph Tickets
It would be nice if something as complicated as a VC 22348(b) citation could be fully resolved with a few mouse clicks, but unfortunately, that is not the case.
The base fine and penalty assessments alone start at about $800 and go up substantially from there, so you may want to stop at the bank on your way to court. Your auto insurance rates may double for up to seven years, so the bills will keep on coming. Moreover, be sure and take the long way there and back, because due to the mandatory drivers’ license suspension, it may be one of the last times you’re behind the wheel for quite a while. Finally, as a lovely parting gift, a friendly clerk will add two points to your license.
In many cases, an attorney can get a 100+mph violation reduced to regular speeding, which is a traffic school-eligible infraction that has a much lower fine and much less of an impact on auto insurance rates.
Getting Legal Help
The aggressive attorneys at Bigger & Harman, APC, are committed to giving individuals a voice when dealing with speeding and traffic tickets. Call today at 661-349-9300 or email to receive the personal professional attention you deserve. En español, llame al 661-349-9755.