a sliding scale address both the safety and revenue issues swirling around traffic tickets
in Lamont and Shafter? According to one observer, the answer is a resounding
There is a considerable amount of anecdotal evidence concerning rich scofflaws. This particular author claimed that the late billionaire Steve Jobs parked in handicapped spots and drove without license plates because he cared nothing about a $100 or $200 ticket. Second, there is some precedent for the idea: a motorist in Finland recently received the equivalent of a $58,000 speeding ticket, because his income exceeded $7 million a year.
Would It Work Here?
We’re no geography experts, but we did look at a globe the other day and notice that Finland and the United States are different countries. While it may be legal in Finland to treat people differently because of their income, in this country there would be opposition. The idea that you should pay a higher fee for the same behavior, whether a fishing license or a traffic ticket, because you have harder or otherwise accrued more of an income, is very controversial in most circles.
Moreover, while there is anecdotal evidence of rich people who brazenly ignore traffic laws, it is just that: anecdotal evidence. In other words, they are stories which may very well be true, but do not stand for any statistical truths. Policymakers cannot, or at least should not, base decisions on stories they read in the newspaper.
Finally, implementation in California would be a nightmare. Finland has about five million people; The Golden State is home to nearly 40 million. No government has the resources to examine tens of millions of tax returns to determine income; neither do they have the stomach for the court battle that would almost certainly come to pass. Finally, the intrusiveness of having to cough up your tax returns or other proof of income seems like an invasion of privacy.
The only answer to high penalty assessments is to attack the matter one case at a time in one traffic ticket trial at a time.
Getting Legal Help
The aggressive attorneys at Bigger & Harman, APC, are committed to giving individuals a voice when dealing with speeding and traffic tickets. Call today at 661-349-9300 or email attorney@markbigger.com to receive the personal professional attention you deserve. En español, llame al 661-349-9755.