The real story behind the Gumball 3000 is not the gathering of high-priced,
flashy sports cars, but the fact that the drivers managed to navigate
the interstate past Barstow and through Mojave without getting a speeding ticket.
All told, about $100 million worth of cars gathered in downtown Los Angeles, for the charity event that began in Sweden several weeks ago. The vehicles made their way through Scandinavia, Germany and the Low Countries before being flown to Reno, from whence they made the drive to SoCal. There was a mixture of rare, classic cars and sleek, modern vehicles, like a $2 million Pagani and a pair of McLarens.
Celebrities in attendance included Tommy Lee, Deadmau5 and Dolph Lundgren.
100+ mph Ticket
The flat, straight, and desolate sections of highway in the High Desert area are tailor-made for VC 22348(b) citations. In fact, it’s not unusual to see CHP officers lined up on the shoulder and pulling over speeders one after the other, like they were harvesting grain in a field.
Super speeder infractions are among the most serious, and costly, violations in the Vehicle Code. The fine starts at $200 for a first violation at 101mph, and goes up substantially from there. The base fine is only part of the total cost. When considering penalty assessments, add-ons and higher insurance rates, the total cost may well exceed over $4,000.
VC 22348(b) is also one of the few two-point violations in the Vehicle Code, so if you are anywhere close to a NOTS license suspension, this ticket could put you over the edge. Additionally, there is a self-contained license suspension provision. The judge can automatically suspend your license for up to 30 days, and a hardship or occupational license may not be an option.
Getting Legal Help
The aggressive attorneys at Bigger & Harman, APC, are committed to giving individuals a voice when dealing with speeding and traffic tickets. Call today at 661-349-9300 or email to receive the personal professional attention you deserve. En español, llame al 661-349-9755.