Atherton police issued 87 citations on one day to help raise awareness
of dangerous speeding violations.
Officials stated that 48 tickets were for speeding and 35 were for failure to yield to pedestrians in a crosswalk. During the saturation enforcement, six officers focused on the intersection of Almendral Avenue and El Camino Real. Last July, 32-year-old Shahriar Rahimzadeh was killed in a pedestrian-auto collision while he was crossing El Camino Real.
In addition to writing the tickets, officers also made an arrest for evading detention.
"Saturation enforcement" is different from a STEP campaign, in that the former is usually a temporary reassignment of existing manpower, while a STEP campaign nearly always involves government grant money and a more formal approach.
Typically, the hazard in speeding violations is not so much gross vehicle speed as it is speed variance. But the California Vehicle Code focuses on driver behavior and not the surrounding environment, mostly because behavior-based tickets are easy to issue and easy to prove in court. A speeding ticket in Lamont and Shafter is bad enough, but sometimes the officers may apply aggravating circumstances to the citation.
An aggressive defense attorney can often either get these citations thrown out or have the charges reduced to a less serious violation.